The Supplemental Charter of the Institute was sealed on 16 September 2019 changing the former name The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators to The Chartered Governance Institute (CGI).
This historic change for the 125 years’ old institute reflects and embraces how their global membership of governance professionals has evolved over the past decade.
The ethos and new visual identity encompasses a wider remit to support and qualify chartered secretaries, governance advisers, risk and compliance managers, non-executive directors – anyone who takes on governance responsibilities in increasingly regulated and risk conscious societies.
The new name positions the Institute as the membership organisation for anyone involved in governance, and is the only institute focused on governance that is Chartered.
The Institute has an overarching global governing body, referred to as CGI Global, and nine
divisions based internationally across Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland and Associated Territories, New Zealand, Hong Kong and mainland China, Southern Africa, Malaysia, Singapore, and Zimbabwe.
Collectively, The Chartered Governance Institute is the only international organisation that
can offer a qualification that empowers a person with skills that transcend borders. The organisation facilitates the international movement of governance professionals and their ideas, ensuring member portability.
The Chartered Governance Institute sets the standard of the profession globally and defines the future of good governance.
New post-nominals are in place to accompany the name change. Fellows will be able to use FCG, Associates ACG and Affiliated members CG(Affiliated). In addition, members are welcome to add CS in brackets after their post-nominal if they are a Chartered Secretary or CGP if they are a Chartered Governance Professional or CS and CGP if they are both.
There is a transition period so that members can continue to use the current post-nominals up to 31 December 2023.
The Chartered Governance Institute supports over 29,000 members living and working in over 80 countries through professional governance qualifying and training programmes.
Said Tim Sheehy FCG, Director General of CGI:
“Our vision is to be the leader in the practice of governance around the world. Our mission is to become the shining beacon in governance. We will be the best advocates, the best
educators and the most active organisation in the promotion of good governance globally.”
Edith Shih FCG FCS(PE), International President added:
“All current members will be able to call themselves Chartered Secretaries and or Chartered Governance Professionals. The importance of being Chartered will not change, nor will the international recognition and portability of our qualification. The Institute will retain its independence, high standards of professionalism and practical voice that speaks for the profession.”
CGI has over 29,000 members across 80+ countries with nine local institutes in Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland and Associated Territories, New Zealand, China and Hong Kong, Southern Africa, Malaysia, Singapore, and Zimbabwe.