
Harare businessman George Katsimberis has described his former joint venture agreement partner Kenneth Raydon Sharpe as a fraudster consistently defrauding the people of Zimbabwe by engaging in shoddy deals while amassing thousands of hectares of prime Harare land.

This is contained in an affidavit deposed before the High Court by Katsimberis in support of his application against Sharpe and his companies Pokugara Ecofriendly Estate and Pokugara Properties.

Katsimberis said Sharpe’s fraudulent nature has since caught up with him as reflected by numerous criminal charges against him at the Harare Magistrates Court.

“I make the point that Kenneth Raydon Sharpe is fraudster. He has permanently consistently been defrauding the people of Zimbabwe either in the form of the Government of Zimbabwe, local authorities, the residents in particular of Harare and business people like myself…” said Katsimberis.

He referred to how Sharpe got a contract for the construction of Airport Road without going to tender before subcontracting another company Fairclot Investments trading as T&C Construction which he has not paid to date.

“The agreement between Kenneth Raydon Sharpe and the City of Harare was a fraud in its own right. Firstly, as indicated above, the agreement was not subjected to tender,” added Katsimberis.
He further cited what he termed a secret deed of settlement defrauding Zimbabweans.

A dangerous secret deal and secrete deed of settlement was entered into on the 28th of May 2019 between Kenneth Raydon Sharpe, Augur Investments, the City of Harare and the Minister of Local Government which has far reaching implications.

The secret deed of settlement confirms beyond reasonable doubt that Kenneth Raydon Sharpe is a fraudster.

Katsimberis also referred to the numerous criminal cases before the Harare Magistrates Court where Sharpe is answering to charges of malicious damage to property and perjury among others.

The state has now caught up with the fraudulent nature of Kenneth Raydon Sharpe. As of the present moment, he is a fugitive from justice.

“Criminal proceedings have now been instituted against Kenneth Raydon Sharpe and his activities in the Magistrate Court of Zimbabwe for various omission and commission relating to his dealings with myself,” said Katsimberis.

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