United Families International (UFI) founder Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa recently gave a revelation that shocked most believers.
He spoke of a ‘destructive presence’ of God that many at times people ask for and fail to maintain.
In his sermon he said that there is a violation of certain Kingdom principles that have rendered most believers poor.
He highlighted that if God is to give money to those dedicated to him then missionaries should be the richest on earth, yet today terrorist and criminals have more money than Christians.
What is the reason, does God bless people out of his love or based on principles?
If the material blessings of God were based on his love, then Christians could have been richer than all the drug cartels that you could think of.
“There is a violation of a certain principle, they are going by a certain presence of God, most believers and most Christians are suffering because there is a certain presence of God that will create problems for you.
“There is a certain part of God that you must never ask for unless you are flexible enough. God said because you are a stiff necked people my presence shall not go with you, if that presence of mine is to go with you whilst you are in that state you will die along the way.”
In interpretating this Makandiwa said the only thing that can guarantee your arrival or longevity in life is the absence of that presence, if that presence is present you die early.
“The arrival of the millions of Israelites into the promised land was without a certain presence that the body of Christ have not investigated up to this current day as the word of God had clearly stated.
“I thought every presence of God was to come and edify and improve me but God is saying if lam to allow this presence of mine to go with you, we will get to a point where I demand that you make a left turn and because of this stiffness of your necks you will disagree with me and it is at that point when I want you to take a certain direction and because of your doctrines you will start arguing with that anointing and that presence.
“And by reason of that conflict you die along the way,” he said quoting from the biblical story of the Israelites in the wilderness.
People have asked for a certain presence of God they know nothing about concerning its maintenance and they are being consumed along the way.
“This God you follow my brother can make your life miserable, this anointing can make you poor,” he said.