Peter Tanyanyiwa
Top Zimbabwean fitness trainer Tendai Maduwa recently facilitated a five-day intensive fitness and self-defense Training session hosted by TN Holdings at Cleveland dam in Harare, where they followed all the set Covid-19 guidelines.
The fitness trainer who has made a name for himself was called back in the country from Zambia by the CEO and Shareholder of TN Holdings Tawanda Nyambirai to facilitate this training.
The training session had a team of up to 20 people, security personnel, they started the training on the 3rd of January and graduated on the 8th of January.
They graduated with a certificate in ‘Personal fitness and Self-defense’ issued by an institution based in Dubai, ‘Image Fitness and Martial Arts’ in conjunction with TN holdings.
In an interview on Monday, the fitness trainer Tendai Maduwa said the session encompassed massive running of longer distances for endurance, mountain and water drills, punches, kicks, with some martial arts.
He then majored on self-defense against any form of attacks such as blows, knives, machetes, guns and so forth. Maduwa went on to share why the fitness and self-defense classes are necessary for any institution.
“We are living in a world where fitness is very important, we eat a lot of toxic food which requires daily intoxication, some gains weight and become tired so easily on anything, and their health lives under threat by various sicknesses and so forth. So lose weight and goes beyond the expected body weight and again they are prone to sickness attacks,” he said.
“Right now world over we are fighting Covid-19, this is some colds influenced virus, imagine you running 20kms a day at least and train 2 hours averagely in the gym? You may be a victim but higher chances are that you will lead and live a healthy lifestyle. Daily we hear cases of people being murdered, robbed, raped, and so many cases across the globe, why can’t we capitalize on our efforts and train them self-defense?
“I was in South Africa in November when I came to Africa, I was in Queenstown, Capetown, Training various institutions, I just learnt that the South African government is adopting the fitness sessions into their academic syllabus as part of their curriculum. Isn’t that awesome? I went to Zambia and they are taking fitness so seriously, in Dubai some organizations make it a requirement for their stuff members to be fit, being able to swim and so forth,” said Maduwa.
The CEO and shareholder of TN Holdings Tawanda Nyambirai also shared why he saw it necessary to engage this top Zimbabwean fitness trainer Tendai Maduwa.
“Our security officer conduct guard duties at our gold mines in Kadoma and at Arcturus Mine. They often engage in running battles with armed Makorokoza.
For their own safety and for the protection of the assets they guard they must be fit and must have some training in self-defense techniques. That is why we engaged Tendai Muduwa to train our security personnel. The training has boosted the team’s confidence in their abilities, has made them feel safer and has boosted their morale and loyalty to the organisation,” said Nyambirai.
Tawanda Nyambirai is a celebrated Zimbabwean born businessman-cum-lawyer who rose to fame through his renowned TN Holdings Limited business empire and other strategic partnerships. His fame was further catapulted by his business alliance with the giant international telecoms operator Econet Wireless Group.
The trainees graduated on defense against any form of weapon attack from knifes, machetes, guns and so on. Maduwa also took time to thank Monica Zodwa Cheru, who is popularly known on social media as Njuzu YeNyika for being the guest at the training session and coach Callista for a great session.