The Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company, (ZETDC) has denied alleged reports that it will increase electricity charges by 150 percent starting this week.
In a statement ZETDC urged its customers to disregard the false reports.
“The Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company would like to advise its valued customers that it is not increasing electricity tariffs by 150 percent starting Friday 15 march 2019 as is being reported on social media,” it said.
“Tariff increase is a process that is not haphazardly implemented but is done through a consultative process in consultation with consumers, the regulator and shareholder among other key stakeholders.”
ZETDC is however seeking a 52 percent power tariff increase to $0,15 per kilowatt hour (kWh) from the current $0,0986 per kWh, to assist in maintenance of the electricity infrastructure and importation of power to cover for low local generation.
Energy and Power Development Minister Joram Gumbo confirmed the proposals earlier this year.
“There are discussions with ZERA over a tariff hike in the range between $0,14 per kWh and $0,15 per kWh. The proposal is not yet on my desk,” said Minister Gumbo.
Over the last seven years, the ZETDC has had its requests for tariff increases turned down by the industry regulator, the Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority, which means the tariff may no longer be cost-reflective due to deteriorating economic conditions in the intervening period.