Neighboring South Africa is currently the biggest consumer of Zimbabwe’s Virginnia tobacco, according to latest official figures.
A new report by the Tobacco Industry Marketing Board (TIMB) shows that as at the end of last week, South Africa had imported 20, 9 million kg of tobacco worth $76 million.
Zimbabwe’s major buyers of tobacco also include China, Belgium, United Arab Emirates, Mozambique, and Belgium.
China which is the country largest exporter outside the SADC region as so far purchased 8 million kgs of the golden leaf valued at $67 million.
With an estimated 350 million smokers, China has been spending over $200 million per annum on Zimbabwean tobacco, which is regarded among the best in the world.
Other notable exports went to The United Arab Emirates bought 7,4 million kg valued at $23 million, Belgium, which imported 3 million kg valued at $8 million while exports to Mozambique were 4 million kg valued at $9 million.
Tobacco has so far been exported to 38 countries.
As at the close of last week, Zimbabwe’s tobacco exports have raked in over $214 million as at May 3, 2019, marking a 55 percent jump in the country`s tobacco export earnings from the comparable period.
Latest figures from the Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board (TIMB) show that there was a 85 percent increase in tobacco exports to 52 million kg from last year’s 28 million kg although there was a decline in the average price of the golden leaf to $4,05 from last year’s $4, 88 a kg.
Virginia tobacco is one of the country’s major foreign currency earners and the Government has recognized the sector’s contribution to the economy as evidenced by the incentives the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has availed to boost the crop’s output.