Pokugara Properties managing director Michael John Van Blerk’s trial failed to kick off earlier this week as Magistrate Vongai Muchuchuti Guwuriro who is presiding over the matter was a no show due to administration issues in the Judicial Service Commission.
Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals Psychiatrist, Dr Mazhandu was expected to throw light on his findings pertaining to Van Blerk’s health.
Van Blerk’s medical affidavit states that he is suffering from depression, a condition also referred to as catatonic seizure and has twice been assessed by a government medical officer at Parirenyatwa general hospital.
Together with his alleged accomplices, Kenneth Raydon Sharpe, Mandla Marlone Ndebele, as well as suspended Harare Town Clerk Hosiah Chisango, Isaiah Zvenyika Chawatama, Samuel Nyabezi and Lasten Taonezvi, are accused of acting in common purpose to destroy a show house constructed by land developer George Katsimberis in 2018.
Businessman Katsimberis had entered into a land deal with Kenneth Raydon Sharpe who owns Pokugara Properties. Ken Sharpe is reportedly at large.
The State further requested that Van Blerk be tried separately from the other seven since they are not sure as to when he is going to be fit to stand trial. Chisango was removed from representing the City of Harare since he remains suspended.
They destroyed the show house on the pretense that Katsimberis had constructed the show house without council approved architectural plans.
However, Katsimberis maintains that he has all the relevant and legal plans that were issued by City of Harare.
Last week Prosecutor Zivanai Macharaga from the Special Anti-Corruption Unit confirmed before magistrate Muchuchuti- Guwuriro that Van Blerk had been examined on the 28th of May 2021 and June 4 2021 but the medical officer could not conclude if he was fit to stand trial.
The matter was deferred to the 30th of June 2021.