Zimbabwe has realised an improvement in the number of recoveries in the number Covid-19 parients, although a vaccine is yet to be found.
A post-Cabinet briefing placed the estimated recoveries at around 90 percent. This has brought some relief and hope to citizens that are still recovering from the devastating pandemic.
After hearing and watching how many countries around the globe are struggling to contain the pandemic, most Zimbabweans had a lot to worry about as the nation has a dysfunctional health delivery system, in addition to the recent strike by doctors and nurses.
Many citizens have now resorted to nutritious diets and increased an uptake on local herbs.
“The development is positive and in the past months people improved on their way of life by taking a closer look on what they eat and drink.
“This era have brought about a lot of education and information about the beauty of our local herbs like Moringa, Muzumbani and the use of lemon among other herbs which are now on high demand as most people see and testify their uselfulness in building a strong immune system,” said herbalist Tariro Toro.
Most people have also chosen to go through some self fitness training for different reasons.
Trymore Mashoko of Mabelreign, for example, has been jogging since lockdown started and has managed to burn unnecessary fat.
“For the past months l have been jogging and have lost about 5 kgs up to now.
“My health have improved so is my psychological ability because l have managed to relax my mind through such activities which l had no time for before Covid-19.
“The pandemic have in a way made us a better people building healthy communities and this have reduced the number of potential high blood pressure cases and other illness that are associated with lack of exerscice.”