In an effort to enhance destination awareness and foster market visibility, the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority, will for the first time exhibit at the 27th edition of the South Asia Travel and Tourism Exchange (SATTE) in New Delhi, India from 8-10 January.
SATTE is one of the leading Business to Business platforms which bring together global travel and tourism players, focused on tourism business exchange.
Zimbabwe Tourism Authority Acting Chief Executive, Givemore Chidzidzi said this year the organisation is focussing on nurturing and growing new and emerging tourism markets.
“There is need for us to mark our presence in the Indian market. We will have to be actively increasing our marketing activities there.
“To kickstart this process, we will be participating at the SATTE 2020. The Fair will provide a platform for the country’s tourism industry players to establish new business partners and strengthen relations with key partners and stakeholders from the Indian market and beyond” he said.
“As part of our plan to solidify our presence in this market, we will do follow up roadshows later in the year” he added.
In terms of tourist arrivals, in 2018, Zimbabwe received 12 465 tourists from India, a significant 79% increase from 2017’s 6 960 arrivals.
“As a country bestowed with rich cultural heritage, destination Zimbabwe is strengthening its tourism business and entering emerging markets.
The potential is huge and our main thrust is to continue intensifying our marketing efforts in this market in particular”, Chidzidzi added.
India is part of the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) family hence it has emerged as one of the fastest growing economies and dependable tourism markets globally. Zimbabwe recently upgraded the Asian nation to Cartegory B on its VISA regime.
This means Indian travellers can apply online and obtain visa at ports of entry.