Zimbabwe’s year on year inflation rate for the month of January 2019 as measured by the all items Consumer Price Index (CPI) stood has risen to 56.90 percent, from 42.09 percent in December 2018, latest figures from the Zimbabwe National Statistical Agency shows.
The month on month inflation rate in January 2019 was 10.75 percent gaining 1.72 percentage points on the December 2018 rate of 9.03 percent.
The month on month Food and Non Alcoholic Beverages inflation rate stood at 6.94 percent in January 2019, shedding 2.13 percentage points on the December 2018 rate of 9.07 percent.
The month on month non-food inflation rate stood at 12.83 percent, gaining 3.82 percentage points on the December 2018 rate of 9.01 percent.
The year on year Food and Non Alcoholic beverages inflation prone to transitory shocks stood at 63.71 percent whilst the Non-food inflation rate was 53.60 percent.
The CPI for the month ending January 2019 stood at 156.56 compared to 141.36 in December 2018 and 99.79 in January 2018.